Horse Solarium

A horse is an athlete; therefore it is likely to endure injuries regardless of the level in which it competes.

Research has shown that therapeutic heat is a universal treatment in chronic injury as the heat plays a vital role in rehabilitation.

Infrared lights are proven to improve circulation, helping the rapid absorption of sugar by the muscles and the quick disposal of lactic acid; as a result the performance of the horse is vastly improved.

Our devices are dedicated to improve the well-being of your horse, focusing on the development of its physical, emotional, and physiological state. Our solarium system offers the following benefits:

1.     Full relaxation after exercise which results in quick recovery

2.     Faster drying process which reduces the chances of catching a cold

3.     Improves elasticity of the muscles. It is highly recommended as a “warm up” before training or a competition

4.     Better physical and psychological condition

5.     Prevents diseases and keeps your horse healthy


6.     The horses coat gets a beautiful sheen